Kindness Citation GPD-00031
What is Santa without his reindeer? Well that is where Cindy from Timberview Farm Reindeer comes in. Cindy brought her Christmas Ambassadors to the Reindeer in Rockwood event last month. She owns nine reindeer, the only ones in Oregon, and was kind enough to bring two of them to this event for the children to see. It was a big hit!
After being cited Cindy shared, “I was so surprised!” Thank you for impacting your community one kind act (and reindeer) at a time!

Kindness Citation K911-00706
Have you ever been really lost? Recently I was delivering treats to local agencies and thought I would stop in at the Port of Portland Police. After parking on the 3rd floor of the long term lot (which I thought was right) I took the elevator to the 1st floor (as it was the only button) to then get in another elevator to the 8th floor where I met Murphy. I told her who I was and where I was heading and she kindly let me know I wasn’t anywhere close (lol). She then offered to walk me all the way to where I wanted to go and we had a great chat on the way.
Murphy, thank you for getting me to the Port of Portland Police. Without your help I may have never made it and not been able to spread some holiday cheer. You are an amazing representative of the Port of Portland!

Kindness Citation K911-00708/709
Kindness 911 loves supporting our agencies and it is always wonderful to celebrate the accomplishments of these great people. The Clark County Sheriff’s Office recently named Deputy Pavlenko and Deputy Gonzalez as their Enforcement Deputies of the Year. That was definitely worth a Kindness Citation!
As part of their recognition for their work they were awarded the use of two of the newest vehicles to the fleet, 2022 black Chevy Tahoe patrol vehicles with a reflective graphics package. So awesome!
Congratulations to both of you and keep impacting your community one kind act at a time!

JANUARY 9, 2022
Thank you all for your service! It is our honor to support you in return.

Kindness Citation
I can’t believe it! I was in a meeting at the Gresham Police Department when another Officer just walks in and interrupts. Then they even drooled on my pants. Wait… did I mention that it was Tagg the Comfort Dog? I admit it was the best interruption ever!
Tagg is one of the first comfort dogs in the Pacific Northwest. He is a shining example of having animals in mental health and wellness programs. Officers looked for a comfort dog in 2019 as a resource to the community and staff through the Peer Support Program. Guide Dogs for the Blind graciously donated Tagg, a black Lab raised in California. He trained to support people in the blind community.
With a move and career change, Tagg was officially sworn in as the Gresham Police Department Comfort Dog.
Tagg’s duties include:
1. Tagg and his handler are assigned to the Gresham Behavioral Health Unit. This co-responder team pairs a mental health clinician and police officer, who respond to people in crisis.
2. Tagg is part of the Police Department's Peer Support Team. He engages with officers and staff to help reduce stress and anxiety following stressful or traumatic incidents.
3. Tagg is a community engagement resource. He takes part in community events like National Night Out, Dog Days of Summer and makes school visits too!
To follow Tagg’s adventures follow him on Instagram at “Tagg.Time” and thanks for making my afternoon extra special!

Kindness Citation
Officer Wattson and Officer Debiak had the privilege of visiting a local Ridgefield Cub Scout Bear Den. Their Scoutmaster Mike was issued a Kindness Citation for his dedication to leading his Den of kiddos for these amazing 8-10 year olds. Your dedication now will make a lasting impact for years to come. Well done Mike!

Great way to start an early morning… great friend and great coffee! Take someone out for a cup of coffee. Kindness Cops, who’s next?

Kindness Citation
This story is about more than one adorable kiddo but the legacy they are connected to. I came across the story of the Frazier family from Florida by chance and so grateful I did. They are a family with a dad who is a local Sheriffs Deputy, a son who calls his daddy his hero and a mom who is a photographer and captured the beauty of a relationship so we could all have our hearts touched.
Thank you Caisen for serving our hearts through the simplicity of a smile and thank you Lieutenant for serving your community. Welcome to the family!

Kindness 911 is thrilled to introduce you to the Class of 2022 - Kindness Cops of the Year! We are truly blessed to be able to support our participating agencies. However, without the help of these, and so many more, amazing Law Enforcement Super Heroes we couldn’t make the impact that we are in our community.
Since we began our mission, these 9 have issued Kindness Citations, participated in Kindness Stings and assisted us over and above the call of duty. With a grateful heart, it is my honor to congratulate:
-Officer Debiak (formerly Cowlitz Tribal/Ridgefield PD)
-Int. Chief Doriot (Ridgefield PD)
-Deputy Layton (Clark County Sheriffs Office)
-Officer Marvitz (Ridgefield PD)
-Sgt. Musser (Vancouver PD)
-Deputy Pizan (Clark County Sheriffs Office)
-Chief Steinbronn (Washougal PD)
-Lt. Taylor (Gresham PD)
-Officer Wattson (Ridgefield PD)
Thanks to all our Kindness Cops for impacting your community one kind act at a time!

This past weekend Kindness 911, along with Kindness Cops from the Vancouver Police, we surprised a former Kindness Citation recipient Andrew with some lights, sirens and gifts for his 42nd Birthday!
Recently as part of his job he has been spreading kindness by making gift baskets for those who need a pick me up. He carefully puts them together with handmade gifts. By doing this he is also spreading awareness and hope for families that have developmentally delayed children. You see, Andrew has Down’s Syndrome. This act of kindness is truly beautiful because as his mom says, “it is more than a gift, it is giving hope. He is just a joy spreader!”
He already received a Kindness Citation so today I gave him one of our t-shirts that says, BElieve THEir is GOOD in the world” with an emphasis on BE THE GOOD which Andrew is. We also have him one of our challenge coins. Andrew keep impacting your community one kind act (and basket) at a time!

We want to salute one of our most beloved supporters, Bess Wills, owner of Gresham Ford! Kindness 911 is truly blessed to have had our journeys intersect and have her part of our team. We are excited to celebrate this accomplishment! Way to impact your community Bess Wills!!!! You are the best!

Kindness Citation K911-00815
This weekend Kindness 911 traveled to Albany, Oregon to meet the amazing Emma! What makes her amazing you ask… her compassion, drive, heart and so much more! We first heard about Emma from our longtime friend at KGW8 Katherine Cook and since then we knew we had to meet to issue her a Kindness Citation!
You see, as a baby, Emma had cancer and with the help and treatment that Doernbecher Children’s Hospital provided, now at 10 years old, she is cancer free! But Emma wanted to return the favor and help kids that are struggling today. So with a partnership with Franz Bakery and Fred Meyer Emma made a dream into a reality.
Emma sold donuts and and allot of them in Fred Meyers in Oregon and Washington. However this is just an expansion of Emma’s existing fundraising effort, Sunshine’s Kitchen. For the past two years, Emma has baked and sold scones outside her family’s Albany home. She’s used the proceeds — more than $2,600 in all — to buy and deliver for September’s Childhood Cancer Month to children at Doernbecher. Through all her efforts Emma was able to donate $50,000 back to Doernbecher to give other kids the same outcome she had!
Emma you were a pure joy to meet! I can’t wait till we meet again. Keep impacting your community one kind act (and treat, and toy, and donation…) at a time!

Kindness Citations GPD-00035
Lt. Taylor and Gresham Police always love when the community they serve invites them to their schools! This week Lt. Taylor got to hangout with Miss Mato and her 2nd Grade class at East Gresham Elementary to do a Q&A session with her students for a class assignment. It was a great time of connection and hopefully Lt. Taylor helped them all get an A+!!!
Lt. Taylor shared, “I’m always thankful when community members reach out to police for interactive opportunities like these.” That is why Miss Mato was issued a Kindness Citation! Thank you for making education fun and interactive for each of your students.

Kindness Citation RPD-00702
If you don’t believe in the saying, “right place at the right time” well then we have a story for you. During the early morning hours of February 1st, Officer Siem of the Ridgefield Police Department was dispatched to a welfare check of an elderly woman found laying in a ditch in a remote location within the city. When he arrived, he was flagged down by Armando. You see, Armando had located the woman while he was delivering packages for Amazon. Not only did he find her he was able to help RPD and EMS by translating for them…right place, right time! Armando stayed on scene and ensured the best possible care for the elderly woman.
The woman found was 90 years old and was laying in the ditch for an unknown amount of time while the temperature hovered around 24 degrees. If it wasn't for Armando's vigilance, this story likely would have had a very different and tragic ending. Due to Armando however this incident had a very positive outcome.
After being issued his Kindness Citation he shared, “It felt good to be recognized for doing the right thing.” You most definitely did the right thing and we are so grateful! Thank you Armando for making a far reaching impact on this woman and her entire family. Well done.

One year ago tonight, we as a community came together to remember, to heal and pay tribute to a family member, a friend, a colleague and to some a stranger. Don served our community faithfully and tonight we remember him and his family.
Gone, never forgotten and always in our hearts
EOW January 29, 2022

At Kindness 911 we are always so excited when we add Kindness Cops to the ranks. Never though have we added a Kindness Commander! Welcome to the Kindness 911 Family Commander Sample. We are so fortunate to have such amazing people serving and making our community so special.
Thank you for impacting our community one kind act at a time!

Kindness Citation K911-00786
If you haven’t heard of “Jordyn’s Summer Shirt Project” well now you have. Jordyn is a 21 year old who lives in Georgia and has a an awesome t-shirt company with her family! Oh did I mention that she has autism? This young lady may have a disability but in no way does it define her ability! What started as an idea to teach life skills and a prayer of selling 40 t-shirts has become a thriving business and created a viral following!
After receiving her Kindness Citation Jordyn shared, “It made me feel like a good person for receiving a citation!” It was extra special getting a note mailed in return from Jordyn! We love what you do and hope to use your t-shirts for the Special Olympics team I coach this year.
CBS story on Jordyn: https://youtu.be/0OuP6j8VleU
Go to their website and get your own t-shirt today at https://bekindtoeveryone.com/
Jordyn, thank you for impacting your community one kind act (and t-shirt) at a time.

Kindness Citation WPD-00489
Recently Camas/Washougal Animal Control Officer Smith was nominated as a Kindness 911 Hero on our webpage for her incredible service to the community. She goes above and beyond for those she serves. We shared with her the kind words from her community and issued her a Kindness Citation of her own. After receiving her citation she shared, “I really appreciate it. Made my day!”
Well done Officer Smith for impacting your community one kind act at a time!

Kindness Citation RPD-000797/798
Shelli and Jason of Ridgefield know what it means to be there for others, especially in their time of need. Their neighbor recently had to go to the hospital and without missing a beat, stepped in to take care of the individuals four-legged family member for an extended period of time. Thank you so much for kind and selfless act.

Kindness Citation GPD-00036
Lt. Taylor with the Gresham Police was patrolling, checking out the road conditions and seeing what is going on in the community on this crazy weather day! While on 182nd he saw a guy shoveling snow from the intersection to one of the side streets. He pulled off and got to meet Tone. Tone shared that he was just trying to clear the intersection from the snow drift left by the plows so his neighbors could get in and out of the neighborhood.
Lt. Taylor was excited to issue Tone a Kindness Citation for his selfless service to his neighbors. See a need, fill a need in action! It was great meeting such a kind member of the Gresham community!
Tone, thank you for impacting your community one kind act (and shovel full) at a time!

Kindness Citation
Have you ever met someone that just pulls on your heartstrings? Well it is my pleasure to introduce you to Sophia. She loves to support police officers and other first responders in her home state of Illinois. She loves to visit various police and fire departments throughout her home state and even when they are on vacation simply to appreciation everything they do.
When she visits agencies she gives them cards with a message from her heart. She says on these cards and to all First responders, "Be strong and courageous for the Lord will be with you wherever you go. Be sure to return safe to your family—it's a Sophia order. Thank you for keeping us safe."
Sophia, thank you for impacting your community, and all our first responders lives, one kind act at a time!

Kindness Citation CCSO-00066
The NW Peer Support Conference is an annual gathering of first responders, mental health professionals, and chaplains involved in the behavioral health, wellness, and peer support initiatives in their agencies.
Trey Doty, President of Responder Life, led the charge in organizing this conference in Salem Oregon for First Responders recently. On of the attendees, Clark County Sheriffs Deputy Layton was so impressed with this groups work. He shared, “It was amazing and so helpful for our PEER team to become better at supporting First Responders.” A lot was learned and so many people will be helped by this teams efforts!
After being issued his Kindness Citation Trey shared, “It is humbling to have someone recognize the ways we are working to ensure that no first responder is without the help they need as they walk through the darkness that too often accompanies this career. When offered this "citation" I was reminded (again) that these connections give life to the calling we all serve.” Thank you Trey and Responder Life for impacting your community one kind act at a time!

Kindness Citation VPD-00023
Last week we experienced crazy weather including snowstorms. Regardless of weather our amazing First Responders get to work through it. On one of our frigid days Vancouver Police Sergeant Holly Musser visited one of her favorite coffee shops, Gold Cup Coffee House. After receiving her coffee and back on the road she realized their awesome staff had left a heartwarming message on her cup lid. A "simple" thank you can go a long way, especially in the world of policing.
Sgt. Musser wanted to return the favor and on her next visit gave them a Kindness Citation for being a coffee house that always provides great service, smiles and is a place of warmth and friendliness. They are kind to all they meet and it's always a great place to just stop in and be in such a positive atmosphere.
Gold Cup Coffee House, thank you for impacting your community one kind act (and coffee with a smile) at a time!

Kindness Citation RPD-00960
Kindness 911 and a few members of the Ridgefield PD got to take a day off and experience the incomparable kindness of another. Thank you for opening your doors to us and for sharing your passion and stories. A fun day we will not soon forget!
Thank you for impacting your community one kind act at a time.

Thursday evening Kindness 911, Ridgefield Police, those from surrounding agencies along with friends, family and the community came together for the swearing in ceremony of Police Chief Cathy Doriot. She is a champion for her community. As her colleague and friend I wish her all the success in the world.
Keep impacting your community one kind act at a time!