Kindness Citation K911-00009
In the NW we get a lot of rain but when we get one of those beautiful, blue sky, Winter days they are truly a treat. While wrapping up my commute on one of these special days something even more special caught my attention. I saw a family of four on an afternoon walk (which I suppose is special all on its own). What caught my eye however was the full garbage bags they were carrying while picking up litter about every ten steps. This is a thought so many of us have had but they put it into action for the good of their community. This is the very reason that I always travel with my Kindness Citation. I pulled into the next street and waited for them at the next block to tell them how appreciative Kindness 911 was for their act of service. This is where I issued Josh, Dawn, Dylan and Rowan their Kindness Citation. After being cited they shared, “We just wanted to clean up our neighborhood but being recognized like this was unexpected and so awesome! It made us feel like people appreciate people caring.”
Thank you, and we most definitely appreciate you! It is my hope that your actions inspire other families to turn their next walk into a walk with purpose. All it takes is a garbage bag and a willing heart! If you and your family take up this challenge, please take a picture and post it in the comments below. You never know who you might inspire also!
Well done!!!

This is a story out of Illinois that you may have already seen but you will want to read again. Anyone could simply share a post but as you know, Kindness 911 always strives to take a more personal approach. With that, I hope you have your heart touched by this inspirational Kindness Citation story.
On August 1, 2019 two perfect strangers, Lakken and Harry, had no idea that their paths were going to cross at the end of Aisle 29. Lakken went to the local Walmart with his Aunt Rylee when he happened to see an elderly man that was having a hard time shopping and finding things as he physically couldn’t lift his head up or see straight. Lakken asked his Aunt if he could go offer to help him out. This wasn’t surprising as Lakken has always had a big heart! He went up to the man and asked him if he would like some help. The gentleman’s eyes lit up and he replied, “Well yes! That would be amazing young man! Thank you so much!” Lakken was seen running all over the place for him. Harry was so happy he told Lakken’s Aunt that he hadn’t had help in years and he was so happy he ran into an amazing, smart, young man like Lakken! Lakken’s Aunt was so proud of him! Lakken continued his work, helped him check out, bagged his stuff and even had them call his bus for him! Upon their parting Harry tried to tip Lakken for his work but Lakken simply smiled and said no thank you and told Harry how much he enjoyed helping him. What a wonderful example.
Here is more you wouldn’t have heard as I had the great privilege of talking to Lakken’s mother Hailey. She shared that the kindness didn’t stop there! Lakken begged her to start helping Harry more often so she started helping take care of his apartment for a while. Lakken truly just wanted to be sure he was cared for and the relationship grew.
When Lakken was asked about his relationship with Harry he said, "I saw a elderly man who needed help and all these people walked past him like it was nothing. You could tell he could use the help even though he said he didn't need it. We talked the whole way through Walmart. He even tried to tip me but I told him there was no way I was taking anything from him. I enjoyed talking to him and helping him. I dont know how or why but he meant so much to me. It was like another grandpa!" So it was very clear why we had to issue Lakken a Kindness Citation. When it arrived in the mail from across the country he said to his mother, "I can’t believe someone from Washington knows about this. All I did was help a senior at Walmart mom. That's so cool!" We were told that Lakken still wears his Kindness 911 wristbands proudly everyday.
Seven months later the story takes an unexpected turn but I don’t want you to lose the message that Lakken is teaching us. Tragically our dear friend Harry was struck by a vehicle when crossing the road near his apartment and was taken from us. Needless to say, Lakken took this loss very hard.
Loss is inevitable and we are never promised a tomorrow. So what we do today truly matters. Lakken made a choice in a Walmart at the end of Aisle 29 that will forever add joy to his life. He said yes to an opportunity instead of waiting for the next time. He gave his most valuable resource, time, and built an amazing and unexpected friendship. So, the next time you have a choice to make... think of Lakken. It may lead to something wonderful and unexpected!
“The best things in life are the people you love, the places you go, and the memories you make.” ~Unknown

From our Kindness 911 Family to all the husbands, wives, fathers, mothers, brothers, sisters and four-legged friends that serve in law enforcement... THANK YOU!!!
To all of our Kindness 911 “Kindness Cops” that volunteer their time to serve and impact our community one kind act at a time we are so grateful for you. You are truly the best!

Kindness Citation K911-00342
Chelsea is an artist with a passion for her Country and those that protect it. She is also a New Yorker. A few years ago Chelsea was introduced to a family whose husband and father was a police officer, volunteer firefighter and 9/11 hero. Sadly this hero had passed away from 9/11 related cancer but as part of the Fallen Feather Project Chelsea was honored to paint wings in his blessed memory.
This past September the story came full circle. Chelsea was asked to paint two patriotic murals over the beds of this fallen heroes boys. They are a powerful reminder of the American spirit and the heroes who risk and sacrifice so much to protect us. They are also a testament to the wonderful person that Chelsea is and how much she cares for others, her community and Country. After receiving her Kindness Citation she said, “I don’t feel I am doing anything extraordinary by supporting our police. It did feel very nice to know that there is a huge community and population out there who embrace the same sense of appreciation I have. I am happy to be part of this group of people and appreciate the thoughtful gesture, outreach and work that you are all doing. Thank you for including me!”
Thank you Chelsea for impacting your community one kind act (and brush stroke) at a time!

Kindness Citation RFPD-00160
We all know someone in our lives that fills their cup with positivity and joy by filling the cup of others around them. Tiffany is that person. She also serves her community as an ER Nurse! Today, she saw Officer Wattson in his patrol unit doing paperwork and took it upon herself to take care of his coffee for him.
Officer Wattson, Kindness Cop to the core, without hesitating issued her a Kindness Citation for her thoughtfulness to a stranger and kindness to her community. It is no secret that she does kind acts just like this throughout Ridgefield and beyond.
Thank you Tiffany for making an ordinary moment extraordinary and do special! You are impacting your community one kind act (and cup of coffee) at a time!

Happy 100th Birthday Ruby!
Castle Rock, Washington had a special citizen that they wanted to celebrate and Kindness 911 was happy to jump in. Along with the Cowlitz County Sheriff's Office, Castle Rock Police Department and the Patriot Guard Riders we gave Ruby the 100th birthday she deserved. We also wanted to thank her for her over 80 years of service to the Ladies Auxiliary VFW!
Keep it up Ruby!
Facebook Live: https://fb.watch/35J76FaDEZ/

For those that are unaware, Thurston County Sheriffs Office K-9 Arlo was shot twice in the line of duty earlier this week. Due to the amazing work of doctors, Arlo was able to come home from the hospital Monday in heroes fashion. He is home resting with his family now. Kindness 911 family, let’s send our prayers and good thoughts!
Last week Kindness 911 had the great pleasure of celebrating Ruby Hazen’s 100th Birthday in Castle Rock, Washington. We were honored to be invited by our friends with the Patriot Guard Riders. However, when they invited me and asked if I could bring some “Kindness Cops” they were shocked to learn that we have no law enforcement agencies part of Kindness 911 in Cowlitz County (yet ).
We could have looked at the obstacle but instead focused on the opportunity to provide an experience. Kindness 911 reached out to Sheriff Thurman of the Cowlitz County Sheriff’s Office and Chief Neves of the Castle Rock Police Department and they were more than happy to help out. A special thank you to CCSO Deputies Beedle, Spaulding & K-9 Icarus along with CRPD Officer Zimmerman for stepping up to represent your community and make Ruby’s day! Not only that, but it was an honor to issue each of you a “Kindness Citation” for your service.
Each of you, and your agencies, are impacting your communities one kind act at a time.

We would typically see Andrew at the local Chuck’s Produce Market working and greeting customers. However, it is his positive energy, care for others and smile that lights up a room that everyone remembers. In short, it’s not the job or the work but the relationships! This is why when we heard he was turning 40, Kindness 911 had to swing by with a couple friends!
Andrew’s sister Annie reached out and shared a little about the brother she loves so dearly. Andrew has Down’s Syndrome, but because of an earlier surgery this year and the risks of Covid he has had to stay home to keep himself safe. Even though he has enjoyed some of his favorite things like karaoke and playing his harmonica to pass the time, he has missed his favorite thing... YOU! His sister had arranged a surprise birthday parade for friends and family and that’s where we came in.
Kindness 911 along with the Clark County Sheriff’s Office and Clark County Fire District 6 (Station 63) were dispatched to deliver an Andrew-sized smile! After rolling up, we were able to celebrate Andrew, issue him a Kindness Citation and a new wristband! We also want to send a special thank you to the Chuck’s Produce Family who made Andrew an amazing birthday cake for us deliver!!!
We should never underestimate the importance of having those people in our lives that make us smile. Today, in honor of Andrew, let’s each be the reason someone smiles today!
Thank you Andrew for impacting our communities one kind act (and smile) at a time!

Kindness 911 is so fortunate to be able to issue Kindness Citations throughout our community. However, it is equally as exciting when a follower visits Kindness911.org and chooses to nominate a community hero. One extra gratifying step is when you realize that we have followers all the way across this awesome Country wanting a little bit of Kindness 911 magic in their community. With that, it is my pleasure to introduce you to Marti from Missouri!
Marti has been a trauma nurse for over 15 years as well as a patient advocate within her community. However, before all that she served her Country as a member of the US Army and we want to thank her for her dedicated service. With a background like this you already know that she is wired to help others. This continued when Covid hit. She, along with so many other brave frontline workers, selflessly left their families to care for those in desperate need of care in New York, several states away.
To further embody a “service before self” philosophy Marti has organized a variety of events for her local community. There are times of the year you will find her organizing a clothing drive or bicycle drive. At other times she is coordinating car seat safety and bicycle safety classes to ensure the safety of the children in her area. All while giving her most precious commodity…time. The person that nominated her proudly shared, “She has a heart the size of Alaska because saying that she has a heart the size of Texas, well that just isn't big enough.”
Marti, we are so thankful that you were nominated as a community hero and grateful that we were able to issue you a Kindness Citation. You truly are the embodiment of kindness, generosity and service to all. Keep impacting your community one kind act at a time!

Remember phrases like “service with a smile” or “all you need is a handshake” that described your local businesses? Well those businesses still exist, are alive and well and have great people leading them!
We were so excited to issue a Kindness Citation to Steve from Matt’s Alignment & Brakes in Vancouver. They have been serving their community since 1995. When you walk through the front doors though, that is where the magic happens! Steve is beyond knowledgeable but then will go the extra mile to be sure you are cared for like family. This is something you can’t find anywhere.
Steve, thank you for caring for your community and for going over and above for everyone. Thank you for also taking care of the Kindness Cruiser/“Cooper Cop” so it could deliver as many smiles as possible. Looking forward to more adventures! Thank you!
#Kindness911 #KindnessCitation #OneKindAct #MattsAlignment&Brakes

The holidays are a difficult time for some but we are fortunate that there are others within our communities with the heart and resources to make a difference. However, with Covid, caring for others was made even more difficult this year. This roadblock was not the case for one local Vancouver student!
Jackie and her family had always made making another families holiday brighter. This year that was derailed due to the pandemic but Jackie wasn’t about to let a little adversity stand in her way. She collected money, purchased gift cards to a local store and met up with her school counselor. In short, she said to the counselor, “you know what families need help, I need you to get these gift cards to them.” A completely selfless act of kindness!
Kindness 911 and the Clark County Sheriff’s Office caught up with Jackie and her family (with a little help from her mom) and stopped them right in front of all her teachers at a school celebration drive through!!! We were not only honored to issue her a Kindness Citation and a gift but there’s always more. Great kids are taught, and we wanted to honor their entire family. Thank you Beaches Restaurant for providing dinner for this amazing and caring family who are impacting our community one kind act at a time!
#Kindness911 #KindnessCitation #KindnessSting #OneKindAct #CCSO #ClarkCountySheriffsOffice #beachesrestaurantandbar #beaches [Parent Approved]

Winter time in the Northwest can be described as dark, cold and rainy but for our Kindness Cops that’s called just another day at the office. The curveball came when Deputy Kipp came across a large fallen tree across the roadway blocking both lanes of traffic. However, he truly stepped up when he pulled out his County issued chainsaw with the hopes of clearing at least one lane of traffic. However, he now stood there looking at the tree trying to figure out the best way to attack it.
It was right then that Deputy Kipp was interrupted by Anibal Camargo who had pulled up on the scene. He could have easily turned around and found another route but instead he asked if he and his father could help clear the debris. He said, “If you cut it up my dad and I can throw it to the side.” In a matter of minutes, this amazing and unexpected team, cleared not one lane but both of them. Anibal and his father were smiles the whole time as they worked in the cold, pouring rain.
In the end he said, “I just wanted to help my community” and he and his father most definitely did. Helping others is sometimes a beautiful way of helping ourselves! Thank you for doing the right thing!
#Kindness911 #KindnessCitation #OneKindAct #CCSO #ClarkCountySheriffsOffice #KindnessCop

If you have been part of the Kindness 911 journey you have met our first Junior Kindness Agents Wyatt and Camden. Both of these amazing children were taken from us due to what is known as a DIPG brain tumor but their legacy lives on! Tonight, we got the opportunity to meet with the Draper and Linton families and celebrate these boys with the help of a very special friend and past Kindness Citation recipient, Megan O’Grady of Blue Line Bears.
Megan was kind enough to make a Warrior Wyatt and Warrior Camden Bear for their families. These masterpieces are made from an actual police uniform, has the patches of the agencies that were at their Kindness Stings, their EOW date and Mom & Dad on the paws for those long bear hugs. An amazing tribute to our Junior Kindness Agents!
Thank you Megan and Blue Line Bears for making this a reality! Even more for making the time to video chat and be part of this special moment!
#Kindness911 #OneKindAct #CCSO #Ridgefield #RidgefieldPolice #CamasPolice #BlueLineBears #DIPG

There are people with a heart for their community but then there are those who have the community in their heart! That is VPD Officer Chavers! Not only has Kindness 911 had the pleasure of issuing him a Kindness Citation previously but we want to take this opportunity to wish him a very Happy Birthday! We are honored to have him as one of our Kindness Cops!
After being issued his citation he shared something that I feel we should all remember as we interact with our family, friends, coworkers and community each and every day. Letting people know they are appreciated makes a big difference...make the effort! Reaching out to others is important and necessary...invest the time! Create opportunities to let people know they are seen, heard and valued...making them feel loved is vital!
Let’s all make the effort, take the time and share some love! It’s all done one kind act at a time!
#Kindness911 #KindnessCitation #OneKindAct #VPD #VancouverPolice

We want to thank Bess Wills and the entire Gresham Ford Team for being a valued member of the Kindness 911 Family. Due to your support, we are able to impact our community, and yours, one kind act at a time!
You truly are the dealer with a heart!
#Kindness911 #OneKindAct #GreshamFord #DealerWithAHeart #2021LoveProject

If Covid wasn’t enough to take in March of 2020 imagine being 15-year-old Violet being diagnosed at the same time with a rare form of Leukemia. In June, she went through chemo, a bone marrow transplant and has had one complication after the next since. She hasn’t been feeling very good recently but her mom says she is a strong kid and keeps fighting the good fight each and every day.
Kindness 911 was excited to help put a smile on her face today as she celebrates her Sweet 16th Birthday!!! A very special thank you to the agencies that were able to attend: Clark County Sheriff’s Office, Ridgefield Police, Vancouver Police and Clark County Fire District 6!!! These First Responders are true Kindness Ambassadors! I also couldn’t have done it without the amazing Bellah Family and the Pittsburgh Steelers!!!
watch the Kindness Sting here: KINDNESS STING FOR VIOLET
We are impacting our community one kind act at a time!
#Kindness911 #KindnessSting #KindnessCitation #OneKindAct #CCSO #ClarkCountySheriffsOffice #VanPoliceUSA #RidgefieldPolice #NFL #Steelers #PittsburghSteelers #EchoBellahProud #LeVeonBell #JujuSmithSchuster #BenRoethlisberger #GreshamFord #KindnessCruiser

The job of an officer is filled with a variety of calls and many times they can be emotional and difficult. Recently, Officer Siem was called to an incident at a home, but due to circumstances, offered an individual a courtesy ride from the residence to the local Quality Inn to resolve the situation. On the drive he learned that she was working very hard to better her life but was having a hard time getting ahead. She had a great deal going on in her personal life, including being an expecting mother, and had very little money for even basic needs... like the hotel they were enroute too.
When they arrived at the Quality Inn his passenger was emotional but he wished her the best of luck and stated that the hotel had a room ready for her. Here was the unexpected turn... as Officer Siem finished writing his notes he saw his passenger exit the hotel office in tears. It turned out that with the room deposit she actually didn’t have enough to cover the total cost of the room. This is where you get to meet our Kindness Citation recipient, Andrew! After a short conversation with him, explaining the situation, Andrew stated he would lower the price of the deposit so she could afford a room for the evening. He booked the room and even offered her the pizza he just had delivered for his own dinner.
The next day, Officer Siem received a voicemail from his grateful passenger and she stated that Andrew had arranged for her to stay at the Quality Inn for an additional two nights at no charge. She shared that Andrew and his wife had covered the cost of the hotel room out of their own pocket. Andrew’s act of kindness, in this woman’s time of need, is a testament to his character and willingness to go above and beyond.
Andrew, you are an incredible ambassador for Quality Inn! Thank you for making a huge impact in the life of a stranger that needed to see a little light in a dark time. Well done!
#Kindness911 #KindnessCitation #OneKindAct #Ridgefield #RidgefieldPolice #QualityInn #ChoiceHotels

After a long day of work Hidee and Reed stopped by a local 7-11. They saw two Clark County Sheriff’s Office Deputies working in the cold and the snow. Seeing them, they decided they wanted to say thank you for working hard to keep the community safe. They bought them both hot chocolate and took a few minutes to share in a conversation. This precipitated another, then another and then two more to also thank these Deputies. In the end, 8 strangers ended up talking, smiling and sharing a little bit of life together just because of one simple act of kindness.
Amazing what a cup of hot cocoa can do!
#Kindness911 #KindnessCitation #OneKindAct #CCSO #ClarkCountySheriffsOffice #7-11

Today I walked into a local Hobby Lobby store in Vancouver and was instantly greeted at the door by Gil. I don’t think I have ever been welcomed into a business in such a sincere manner. Then he asked if I needed help finding anything, which I most definitely did, and he helped me from start to finish. The funny part was, when I tried to issue him a Kindness Citation for his outstanding service he said he was not allowed to accept gifts (we’ve been upgraded to a gift)!
I went and checked out with another awesome associate and then ended up talking to an amazing manager because I knew Gil deserved the recognition and now so did his colleagues. In the end, Emily, Gil and Ellie were all issued Kindness Citations and told that they were doing it right. They were all great examples of what service with a smile looks like!
Later Ellie submitted her citation and commented, “My coworker Gil got cited and I was so happy for him because he is always amazing and kind. Me getting cited reminded me that my kindness impacts people whether I realize it or not.” Keep impacting your community one kind act (and interaction) at a time! Well done Hobby Lobby!
#Kindness911 #KindnessCitation #OneKindAct #HobbyLobby #HobbyLobbyVancouverMall

Kindness Citation K911-00379
Today was Irma Slocum’s 100th Birthday! Kindness 911 along with the Vancouver Police Department were honored to celebrate a century of blessings that Irma has given to her community and Country. Thank you for your service in the Women’s Army Corp during WWII! Thank you for being a teacher while in the service and to our local community. Thank you for your never ending contribution to our local music community. Your life is truly a masterpiece to all that know you.
We are so honored to have you part of the Kindness 911 Family. Happy Birthday Irma!
If you missed the Facebook Live check it out here: KINDNESS STING FOR IRMA SLOCUM
#Kindness911 #KindnessCitation #KindnessSting #OneKindAct #VancouverPolice #VanPoliceUSA #KindnessCruiser #GreshamFord #Slocum

In December, Kindness 911 was told about a Ridgefield Family that had quite the adventure. While out as a family on an epic snow adventure the Bellah Family had to readjust their plans. They came across a man who had been stuck on the mountain for two days and was six hours into finding help. They may not have had the chance to play in the snow but most definitely were a welcomed miracle to this man.
A few months later this incredible family popped up on our kindness radar again. We were getting ready to do a Kindness Sting for a young lady who had battled Leukemia this past year. She was a huge Pittsburgh Steelers fan and we quickly discovered so was the Bellah family. They offered to put together an amazing themed gift basket for us to present to her. She was so grateful for thought and generosity as she celebrated her Sweet 16th Birthday!
Officer Siem and I were honored to issue each of you Kindness Citations! Thank you for representing your community so well. You are definitely one of Ridgefield’s Kindness Ambassadors!
#Kindness911 #KindnessCitation #OneKindAct #Ridgefield #RidgefieldPolice #PittsburghSteelers

I’m a firm believer that everything happens for a reason. Tonight I drove home on a route I never use for no reason....or was there one? I rolled up on a car with its hazard lights flashing and the driver pushing the car to the distant gas station. Being more concerned about the cars passing him I stayed behind with my hazards on keeping him safe. Then I found a place to pull off and as I started to help push another car pulled up and a gentleman jumped out and started pushing too. Together we helped him get all the way to the gas station (and got quite the workout)!
Ivy, thank you for jumping in to help a stranger in need. You are a Kindness Superhero and impacting your community one kind act at a time!

Kindness Citation CCSO-00379
This February we were surprised by some not so normal weather here in the PNW. On this cold winter night, the city was blanketed with snow. No matter the weather a Deputy needs to make it onto the road for their shift. Deputy Pizan resides on a hill that was not being cooperative with the addition of snow. In fact his neighbor helped him get on the road and it turned out he was going to help him get back home too.
On the way home Deputy Pizan’s patrol vehicle got stuck halfway through an inclined area of road near his home. Luckily, Scott, a neighbor from his community he had never met, came to the rescue. Things could have been disastrous but Scott towed his vehicle out of the snow and got him home safely.
Some call first responders heroes but they have heroes too. Scott, thanks for being a hero and for going above and beyond!
#Kindness911 #KindnessCitation #OneKindAct #CCSO #ClarkCountySheriffsOffice

Kindness Citations K911-00437 & 438
Today, Kindness 911 and Clark County Sheriff’s Office set out on a Kindness Sting to make an amazing kids’ day! We met Kylee after one of her middle school teachers nominated her as someone that deserved to be recognized. Kylee had a heart transplant before she even reached the age of one and every year has to undergo surgeries to make sure her heart is working as it should. With all these struggles in front of her Kylee still continues to be a champion and inspiration to everyone around her. So today we issued her a Kindness Citation, and on her certificate it read, “You have the heart of a lion, the strength of ten and the desire of a thousand more. Even though life has given you some scars, they are merely reminders of the survivor you truly are. Thank you for being an inspiration to your family, friends and all who have lived this journey with you. You are truly amazing!” With that we were able to give her and her mom something Kylee has always wanted to try, a zipline experience and Pumpkin Ridge Zipline Tours!
Following Kylee’s presentation, we were also thrilled to be able to honor the teacher that nominated her and give her a zipline experience as well. Shannon’s Kindness Citation certificate read, “Champions don’t often see a champion looking back at them in the mirror. However, it is a fact that when someone gives their life to serving others, who will never give up on them, understands the value of connectedness and believes in the power of relationship… well that is you! Thank you for being a true example of what is possible and wonderful in this world.”
These champions are impacting their communities one kind act at a time!
#Kindness911 #KindnessSting #KindnessCitation #OneKindAct #CCSO #ClarkCountySheriffsOffice #PumpkinRidgeZiplineTour #KindnessCruiser #GreshamFord

First Responders work large geographic areas and are typically away from their office but there is an organization called Responder Life that helps to set-up “Rest Stops” for Law Enforcement Officers across the county. This is a safe, non-contact office where an officer can stop for a moment to get caught up on paperwork or eat lunch. It is provided to first responders 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. It is an intentional effort to give care to those who protect our communities.
Mark Greisz is a servant leader in the community who serves with his whole heart. Mark is part of Responder Life (https://responderlife.org/news/) which sets up these Rest Stops and also serves at his church. He never asks for anything in return and exemplifies what kindness is all about. Thank you Mark for your selfless acts of compassion and friendship. A true friend to all and an example to follow. After being issued his Kindness Citation Mark commented, “I'm still in shock and awe. I already get a whole lot of appreciation from LEO's, so this is above and beyond. The best part about it is that my family (that supports me in what I do) gets to see this act of appreciation!”
Mark, keep impacting your community one kind act at a time!
#Kindness911 #KindnessCitation #OneKindAct #VanPoliceUSA #ResponderLife