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“It isn’t how much we give, but how much love we put into giving.” Each year Kindness 911 has the joy of making a donation on behalf of each of our Kindness 911 agencies to a charity of their choice. It is also a way we honor all those that have received Kindness Citations throughout the year. The Season of Giving can only be done through your generous, private donations we receive over the course of the year and we thank you so much!

This year we celebrated:

* Camp Rosenbaum - Vancouver PD

* Clark County Food Bank - Cowlitz Tribal PD

* KIDS Center - Deschutes County Sheriff’s Office

* KIDS Center - Redmond PD

* Kiwanis of Sandy - Sandy PD

* My Father’s House - Gresham PD

* Pink Lemonade Project - Ridgefield PD

* ReFuel - Washougal PD

* Sandy Community Action Center - Clackamas Fire District 1

* Santa’s Posse - Clark County Sheriff’s Officer

* South Valley Athletics - Cottage Grove PD

* Willamette Valley First Responder Chaplains - Albany PD

Thank you all for impacting your community one kind act at a time!



Kindness Citation DCSO-00184

“Pay it forward is about caring and sharing. It’s about compassion and kindness. It’s about generosity. It’s about sacrifice and love. You get what you give.” Brianna is the admin for Pay It Forward Redmond on Facebook. On most major holidays, I have noticed she puts together gifts for children. But it is far more than just her, she has a following online that helps her by providing items for her gifts.

So far this Christmas, she has put together approximately 65 stockings for kids as well as gathered numerous clothing and basic need items. Brianna and Deputy Graham of the Deschutes County Sheriffs Office discussed her passion. After being cited Brianna shared, “I was not expecting this! Thank you. I became an admin for Pay it Forward 9 years ago as a way to get to know the community. I started the holiday Easter basket and stocking giveaways because I grew up without any holiday magic and it heals my inner child to be able to give to children in need in the Central Oregon community. This is a community effort! I have so many wonderful people helping me behind the scenes. Thank you for this kindness citation and thank you to all those who donate towards my holiday projects. I love living in Central Oregon!”

Keep impacting your community one kind act at a time!



Kindness Citation DCSO-00242

Law Enforcement gets every type of call imaginable. On this day Deschutes County Sheriff’s Deputy Gregory was dispatched to a call of an injured squirrel, stunned and laying in the middle of the road. She contacted Think Wild, a local wildlife rescue and rehabilitation center in Bend, and asked if they would be able to help the squirrel. They said yes as long as someone was able to transport the squirrel to them. Susan and her son Sam were walking a dog in the area and saw Deputy Gregory with the injured squirrel.

Deputy Gregory explained that she wasn't able to leave her district to take the injured squirrel to the wildlife hospital when they immediately said they would be willing to take the squirrel over 30 minutes away. They were animal lovers and wanted to help. The squirrel was safely secured. Susan and Sam were wonderfully pleasant people.

After being issued their Kindness Citation they shared, “It was wonderful to see the softer side of the police force! It made me want to spread more kindness.” Thank you for your compassionate heart Sam and Susan. Keep impacting your community one kind act at a time!



Kindness Citation APD-00218

“Kindness is generosity combined with sacrifice and love (Hoag)” which the staff at Northside Church and Good Grounds Coffee in Albany, OR already know. These amazing people came to the Albany Police Department to say “Thank you” and donated morning snacks and free coffee. It truly is acts of kindness like these that are instrumental in keeping up positive morale and good spirits amongst first responders.

Thank you for being amazing and for being such a great example of how we should treat others! You truly made our day! Keep impacting your community one kind act at a time.



Kindness Citation K911-00291

We all know someone that just makes the world a little brighter no matter where they are. That is Joego! He works at a vineyard in Napa, California and has to be one of the most joy-filled people I have ever met. That is why Joego was issued a Kindness Citation.

Keep caring for people and absolutely making their day. Keep impacting your community one kind act at a time!



Kindness Citation APD

Officers with the Albany Police Department were honored to issue Kindness Citations to a group of amazing individuals from Furniture Share. This awesome organization donated space heaters that officers could provide to people in need of an emergency heat source this very cold weekend.

Keep impacting your community one kind act at a time! Thank you so much!



Kindness Citation GPD-00457

Our local area recently experienced a little more winter than we are accustomed too. It was wonderful to see neighbors helping neighbors and the community rallying together to support one another.

Gresham Police Officer Katzenmeyer was involved on scene for a separate incident when he observed Shane helping his neighbors dig their vehicle out of the snow in 15 degree weather. Then when it came time for the person Officer Katzenmeyer was actually interacting with to leave…their vehicle would not start! Without a second thought, Shane stepped up to help and jumped the person's car.

Shane was incredibly nice and only cared about helping those around him in the poor weather conditions. Shane shared home much he cared for his Gresham community. It was clear he was proud of the city he lived in.

Keep impacting your community one kind act at a time!



Kindness Citation RDMPD-00022

Keeping with our theme of neighbors helping neighbors, Redmond Police Captain Petersen is thrilled to introduce you to off duty Crook County Fire & Rescue Firefighter Sam Scheideman. We were thrilled to issue him a Kindness Citation for being an awesome neighbor and helping clear snow from people's driveways and sidewalks.

Sam worked a 24-hour shift and got off of work at 8:00 a.m. on Sunday. After getting off work he took his snowblower and shovel and went around the neighborhood helping clear people's driveways and sidewalks after a snowstorm dumped over 8" of snow. Sam also had to go in for mandatory OT that evening to keep serving his community.

This is not uncommon for Sam as he often does this for the neighborhood after snowstorms and the neighborhood truly appreciates his kindness. Sam appreciated receiving this type of citation from law enforcement. Great to see our law enforcement and firefighters working together!

Keep impacting your community one kind act at a time!



Kindness Citation CGPD-00003

During the recent unprecedented ice storm, Cottage Grove established a temporary warming shelter at City Hall. Cottage Grove Police Chief Chase had the pleasure on this day to meet Jake. Jake drove down from Salem with Chick-Fil-A sandwiches for those staying at the warming shelter along with the staff at the Police Department and City Hall.

Chief Chase shared, “He arrived with a smile on his face and was quickly the most popular guy in City Hall. Thank you Jake for exhibiting such kindness during tough times in Cottage Grove.”

Keep impacting your community one kind act at a time Jake!



Each year Kindness 911 is honored to celebrate our Kindness Cops & Crew of the Year for their incredible commitment to their community, the energy they bring to the Kindness 911 Family along with other criteria.

This year we have four incredible recipients. Congratulations to the 2023 Kindness Cops of the Year:

-Sergeant Holly Musser, Vancouver PD


-Lieutenant Stephen Taylor, Gresham PD


-Officer Craig Wattson, Ridgefield PD


-Deputy Danny Graham, Deschutes Sheriff

Thank you all for setting the bar so high, for being such a positive member of your agency and for being awesome Kindness Cops. Keep impacting your community one kind act at a time!



Kindness Citation SPD-00106 thru 109

You never know when an emergency will present itself but when it does it is amazing to have the right people around. At a local elementary school, Harmony and her classmate noticed that another one of their classmates was choking during lunch. Without hesitating, Harmony got Mrs. Smith, her P.E. teacher's attention, who was nearby to help. Mrs. Smith took lifesaving measures which allowed the student to breathe again.

Kindness 911, the Sandy Police and Knox are so grateful for Harmony's quick thinking and Mrs. Smith’s lifesaving actions on this day. Thank you for being there for each other!

Keep impacting your community one kind act at a time!



Kindness Citation DCSO-00185

Keep our kids safe is a top priority but building relationships can have a lasting impact.

Deschutes County Sheriff’s Deputy Graham sits near the crosswalk at the Terrebonne Community School during the morning drop-off hours for student and school safety. Zac is an amazing individuals who works there. One of his roles is the morning crossing guard. He is regularly observed being amazing! Zac is constantly giving the kids High Five's, handshakes and fist bumps. The students interactions with Zac to start their school day set a positive and upbeat tone for the day. Zac is well known to those that spend time at the school because of his positive and energetic attitude.

After receiving his Kindness Citation Zac shared, “Receiving a Kindness Citation felt great. I was surprised to receive it because I was just doing my job, but it felt good to be seen and told that my consistency and positivity was noticed. Thanks!” Great work Zac!

Keep making an impact one kind act (and high five) at a time!



Kindness Citation SPD-00489

If you have live in Sandy, OR there is a good chance you know Dennis. He was nominated as a Community Hero and we had the chance to meet him recently and issue him a Kindness Citation!

Dennis has been a Chaplain for both the Police and Fire Departments for nearly 30 years. He has had the pleasure of serving his community at their highest highs and lowest lows. He commented that this has been one of the most fulfilling callings to be there for others. His infectious smile is a testament to the joy and support he gives.

Dennis, thank you for impacting your community one kind act at a time!



Kindness Citation POPPD-00021

Having the right people on the team is so important. One of those incredible team members at the Portland of Portland is Pamela! Captain Hepp with the Port of Portland Police was honored to issue her a Kindness Citation for her extensive work and collaboration with the agency. Pamela has worked swiftly and diligently with recruitment and hiring. She has a passion for the policing profession and is a great representation of the Port of Portland. We are very appreciate of her desire to help bring new officers on-board and her continued involvement with those recruits throughout their LEO career. Our agency is grateful for her dedication and support!

Thank you for impacting your community one kind act at a time!



Kindness Citation SPD-00109

We recently shared a Kindness Citation in Sandy, at a local elementary school, where a student was choking and their classmates and a teacher came to his aid. Scarlet wasn’t in the original photo as she has moved to a new school. Officer Ling, of the Sandy Police Department, truly wanted to be sure she knew the importance of her actions and how grateful we are for her. So he tracked her down and was able to issue her a Kindness Citation!

Thank you for being there for your friend! Keep impacting your community one kind act at a time!



Kindness Citation CGPD-00004

Cottage Grove Police Chief Chase had the pleasure of attending a Kindness Assembly at his communities local middle school. He was given the opportunity to celebrate and issue a Kindness Citation to an amazing 8th grader named Sierra!

She is described by her teachers as thoughtful and most likely to open the door for you… in fact she is an incredible door holder! Sierra makes it a habit to be respectful and selfless; that means she is engaged and aware of the needs of others. She has taken her role as Sous Chef in Foods class seriously as she assists her teammates in their success in the kitchen. Sierra advocates for herself and quietly encourages those around her to do their best. She is always putting kindness into action without drawing attention to her good deeds.

We were so thrilled to celebrate you today Sierra! Keep impacting your community one kind act at a time!



Kindness Citation RDMPD-00002 & 3

Redmond Police Chief Lewis and several members of the police department held Coffee with a Cop yesterday, even with some difficult weather. This can’t happen 1) without cops and 2) without coffee. That is why this community is so grateful for the Redmond Coffee Co. and their willingness to host the event. Chief Lewis was honored to issue Lisa, the owner of Redmond Coffee Co and one of their baristas Taylor both Kindness Citations for taking care of everyone and making us and the community feel right at home.

Keep impacting your community one kind act at a time!



Kindness Citation SPD-00007

It was once said that, “The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.” Sandy, OR resident, Jolie, was issued a Kindness Citation by Sandy’s Interim Chief Lundry for her exceptional work as the volunteer coordinator and community outreach person for Mt. Hood Hospice. Jolie is so active in educating seniors and families about hospice and so caring in her approach to this delicate subject. She is also an active community volunteer, heavily involved with many community events as well as the Sandy Chamber of Commerce. Jolie is a community advocate and proud supporter of the Sandy Police Department. Jolie's work is difficult and she is always there with a smile and word of encouragement. She is the embodiment of a superhero to many of us!

Thank you for your service Jolie! Keep impacting your community one kind act at a time.



Kindness Citation RDMPD-00023

We have all experienced going to a vending machine, putting our money in, pushing those magical numbers only to watch in horror as our treat gets stuck and hangs there taunting us. Even the machine at the Redmond Oregon Police Department has its moments. Linda, the Records Supervisor, noticed a little boy with his mother struggling with the vending machine. The little guy had put a $1 in to buy some chips, which got caught in the machine. Linda called in reinforcements that responded in record time to help get the chips unstuck, but the Officer was unable to get them to fall. Linda gave the Officer a $1 so they could get the chips unstuck. The dollar was put in the machine and 2 bags of chips dropped for our friend.

The child and his mother were very appreciative of the effort given to get his chips as he frequently comes to the PD after school for a reasonably priced treat. All of this was possible because of Linda’s generosity. That is why she was issued a Kindness Citation. After receiving it she shared, “He ended up with a bonus bag of crackers and jumped for joy. He was sweet!”

Keep impacting your community one kind act at a time! Sometimes it just takes a dollar.



Kindness Citation VPD-00333/334

Kindness comes in pairs! First impressions go a long way and Mary and Doreen give an amazing first impression at US Digital in Vancouver, WA. Mary is the first face you run into upon arriving for appointments. She is a genuinely kind soul who sees the good in people. She welcomes everyone with a bright smile that can brighten up your day. If you have a question, Mary has the answer.

Doreen is an amazing artist when it comes to brewing up coffee and other delicious treats. Doreen knows just what to make to get people energized for the morning and one of her best options is the “Trust me” flavor. It’s always delicious and she always provides a kind word of encouragement for all the employees coming and going. Her kindness overflows to everyone she meets.

Officer Musser was honored to issue both Mary and Doreen a Kindness Citation for their kindness and generosity to those they serve. Keep impacting your community one kind act at a time!



Kindness Citations POPPD-00121/122

TIP or Trauma Intervention Program NW is a group of specially trained volunteers who provide emotional aid and practical support and resources to victims of traumatic events and their families in the first few hours following a tragedy.

June and Jordan volunteer with TIP NW. They came to Port of Portland Police Department recently and provided an overview of the program and the amazing resources they provide. After the presentation, Sergeant Childers had the honor of presenting them with a Kindness Citation. They were truly delighted to be recognized for doing what they love doing and brought a big smile to their faces!

Thank you for your service and keep impacting your community one kind act at a time!

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Yesterday was quite the day! Kindness 911 took a quick trip over the mountain to attended the Special Olympics Polar Plunge in Bend, Oregon. This was the most legitimate Polar Plunge ever with 34 degree temperatures, snow blowing sideways and water a brisk 37 degrees. The 500+ participants have currently raised over $66,000 for Special Olympics!!! Well done!

A very special thank you to Staci and Capt. Bailey from the Deschutes County Sheriffs Office and Chief Lewis from the Redmond Police Department for the invitation and warm reception. Great hanging out and freezing for reason alongside your teams.

Together let’s keep impacting our community one kind act (and crazy frozen dip in the river) at a time!



Kindness Citation GPD-00044/45

When Officers are on patrol it is not always possible to run back to the precinct for a break that is why so many agencies are fortunate to have “Rest Stops.” These are locations where they can safely take their break or complete paperwork while still being available to the public in a moment’s notice. Lieutenant Taylor of the Gresham Police Department ran into Brad and Brenda at one of these locations recently. These two stock the First Responder Rest Stop in Gresham. This is a rest stop used by Gresham PD, Portland Police, Multnomah County Sheriff’s Office and others. Brad and Brenda have been running this rest stop for about 5 years now and stock it with all kinds of snacks and drinks, sometimes making purchases out of their own pocket.

Lt. Taylor was honored to issue Brad and Brenda Kindness Citations for their service but because he has also known them for almost 20 years and previously worked with Brad at the West Linn Police Department. He just recently retired as a Sergeant with the Lake Oswego Police Department…congratulations! Thank you for being such a great example to others and for your tremendous work to keep this rest stop fully stocked with goodies for First Responders. It is truly appreciated!

Keep impacting your community one kind act at a time!